Rooted Visions
Cultivate your vision for inspired action from your
rooted values and embodied wisdom
The Rooted Vision work is for you if any of the following apply:
You're a community leader, visionary, creative, cultural worker or wellness practitioner questioning the oppressive capitalist-supremacist rat race and know another way is possible, one that is grounded in natural wisdom and liberation for ALL
You yearn to embody your values more boldly & stand up for what's right in your work and personal life
You feel scattered, confused or lost in the current sociopolitical moment & need to reconnect to your most sacred "why"
You want to make and impact AND a livelihood through your work without burning out
You have a beautiful dream for this world and lots of good ideas, but need a grounded plan for HOW
You need support from a trusted community of creative thinkers
Root deep to stand tall, reach wide and bear fruits of an aligned
life & livelihood.
Current & Upcoming Offerings
Yes, that's me! How can the Rooted Vision work help?

Ok, but what exactly will we be doing?
Will this help me grow my business, organization or projects?
I need to make a living...
Yes, yes, and yes! Bring your ideas, your questions, concerns and challenges. Aside from the powerful internal work, we will get specific and strategic.
I come from a marginalized identity. Will there be people like me? Is this group safe for me?
This work is not just trauma-informed but sensitive to the complex dynamics of interpersonal, intergenerational and cultural trauma. Your main coach and facilitator moves with the sensitivity of a genderqueer Jewitch (pagan Jew) neurodivergent trauma survivor experience, shaped by years of diverse community work and study that have prepared them to hold this role. Generally speaking, we attract change makers from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences, but cannot guarantee the make-up of each group.
What if I can't afford the group? Are there scholarships?
Folks with marginalized identities, including low-income, and disabled folks may request a scholarship, please email liberty@awakeningcreatives.com with your name and your request.